How Sheet Erosion Impacts The Ground

How Sheet Erosion Impacts The Ground

In our last article, we discuss how the rain can displace topsoil, leading to erosion.

Today, we’ll be discussing a fairly similar concept known as sheet erosion. This occurs when rainfall is enough to displace an already eroded ground site. This differs from the previous concept, in that the former usually needs a secondary factor like wind to occur.

Read on for our deep dive into the subject, and what it means for your ground’s stability.

If your effort requires the flooring to be stabilized, failing to address these concerns can directly impact its success.

Knowing What To Look For


The most difficult part about addressing sheet erosion is that you often won’t notice it until it’s too late. There are no real distinguishing factors when sheet erosion is occurring. It isn’t until your topsoil is all but gone that you may start to notice that the remaining soil is discolored.

By this point, you can guarantee the erosion has been at it for years. That’s why its best to be proactive; better to plan for the worst and be covered than to hope for the best and fall short. And that’s where RunMat USA comes in.


Working With RunMat

The integrity of your flooring is a major consideration in any case. Whether it be a professional endeavor, enhancements to your home, and so on. In every instance, the answer is to maintain stable ground for productivity, and safety purposes. Here’s where RunMat USA’s solutions offer maximum value to clients.

Looking for more information on how RunMat works? Check out the rest of our website, in which we compare and contrast RunMat USA to other leading ground stabilization methods. You’ll find that it far outweighs the competition, while also giving you the best value for your dollar. Contact us today to learn more!

RunMat At AirVenture 2022

RunMat At AirVenture 2022

The aviation community centers around more than just the business of air travel.
It’s a fraternity that includes all with some connection to the process of flight. Of all the opportunities for these community members to congregate, one of the most important and well known is

The function operates over the span of a week, and is host to literally hundreds of thousands of people. It’s powered by the EAA, who sponsor different events year round in celebration of this community’s shared experience. You can expect to see every variation of an aircraft on display when attending.




Airventure will be held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, July 25-31st, at the EAA Fly-In Convention Grounds. Events include Airshows, Aircraft Rides, Nighttime fare, and so much more! The selection of aircrafts that will be present range from what you’d find at a typical airport, to some of the most unique birds ever produced.

It’s important to note that Airventure will be observing all COVID related protocols to keep attendees safe. Be sure to check out their various News & Multimedia outlets to stay up to date on all relevant info. And here’s some more great news: RunMat USA will be in attendance this year!


Where we fit in

Working With RunMat USA

At RunMat, our goal is to offer quality ground stabilization solutions to the industries that need them most. From aviation, to construction, and far beyond. Check out our previous write up on how RunMat’s solutions helped to fix standing water issues at a runway in SC. And if you’re planning to attend Airventure 2022, look for our exhibit!

Are you in need of better ground stabilization today? You don’t have to wait to see us in person to get more information! Simply head to our contact page and schedule a consultation with one of our esteemed team members. We’ll can install the flooring that your operations deserve.

Standing Water Issues For Busy Airfield

Standing Water Issues For Busy Airfield

RunMat USA is dedicated to solving ground stabilization issues for each of the industries we service.
That said, we are always proud when our solutions hit our intended goal. One of our most recent clients is the perfect example of how our ground improvement technique can improve your operations.

The client, who runs an airfield in South Carolina, obtained about 2800 square feet of our materials. The purpose was to fashion a sturdy, dependable path from their hangar to their runway. Not only was the installation a success, but it also solved some major concerns, i.e., standing water issues, in the process.

Ground Improvement Technique

As we’ve stated many times, ground stabilization does more than make your walk more comfortable. Uneven ground is actually a major hazard, especially depending on what it’s being used for. In the case of an airplane hangar, the considerations are endless.

Safer landings and take offs, less wear and tear on the planes, and more are addressed here. In the case of our clients in South Carolina, they had some pretty concerning standing water issues on their taxiway. We are happy to report that after the RunMat installation, their standing water issues were effectively resolved.

Working With RunMat USA

You don’t have to have an airplane hangar to be in need of quality ground stabilization. Our materials work to support a laundry list of industries. From aviation, to outdoor events, residential needs, and more. If your flooring is in need of better ground improvement technique, RunMat USA is the partner for you.

Do you have any more questions for us? Head over to our contact page to schedule a consultation today! Our team of experts is on hand to ensure that you get the ground solutions you need.

There’s No Place Like Your Home Floor

There’s No Place Like Your Home Floor

Your home is your sanctuary. And like any good sanctuary, it’s only as solid as its foundation. Uneven ground is the culprit behind a number of concerns. These range from minor inconveniences, to possible serious injury. This is especially the case if there’s some heavy duty work taking place. You’ll want your home floor in the best shape possible to avoid these issues.

That’s the idea behind RunMat USA. We understand how imperative it is to have flooring solutions you can depend on. Read on for some instances where our solutions could bring value to your home.

Ground Improvement Technique

As stated, one of the instances where you’ll want these supports is if there’s construction going on at your home. Stumbling around uneven ground can lead to damaged tools and valuables, which can pull even more out of your pocket. Then there are the safety risks for those working, as well as those residing in the home.

Avoid this altogether by using RunMat products. And if you plan to keep them installed, you’re in luck. Our products don’t degrade, and based on their make up, they’re free from worry of wear and tear, and other common misgivings.

Contact RunMat USA Today

Many often elect the typical concrete solution. Even if a concern doesn’t pop up here presently, it can still become an issue later! Walking across concrete over extended time periods can lead to real issues for the human body. If it’s avoidable, why not avoid it?!
A better ground stabilization solution is only one call away. Reach out to RunMat USA via our contact page to get the ball rolling! Getting in touch with us is quick and easy, and you wont be upset that you did. We look forward to hearing from you!

Unstable Ground At A Golf Course? Yes And No.

Unstable Ground At A Golf Course? Yes And No.

For those of us who are golf aficionados, we know all too well the pleasures of the course.From look, feel, and smell of the freshly styled green, to the light exercise you get from joining a game. Even for shorter rounds, there’s something therapeutic about the trail from hole to hole. One thing that stands to disrupt this experience, though, is unstable ground.

That’s where RunMat USA comes in. Our goal is enhance the experience of every industry we service with favorable, quality flooring solutions. Read on for a deeper dive!

Ground Stabilization Is No Swing & Miss

First, let’s set the stage properly. Gold courses come complete with many hills, and all around interesting exterior design. There will be some areas, especially off of the travel path, who’s surface area will be a tad uneven. That said, when traveling from hole to hole, it’s best that the path remain intact and supportive.

You want patrons to be able to drive their golf carts across the trail without any complications. Even if you’re walking, there’s risks of injury posed by uneven and unstable ground. A twisted ankle from a misstep can end the game before it’s had a chance to start!

Using RunMat’s Ground Stabilization Solutions

With resources like RunMat USA, there’s no reason why stable flooring should be an issue. Our flooring units are the perfect alternative to other rougher, shorter lasting options. Concrete has become even more obsolete in the wake of RunMat.
Ready to give our solutions a try? Getting in touch with us easy. Simply head over to our contact page, and schedule a consultation with one of our team members today. Whether it’s on the golf course, at an airfield, or even at a concert; RunMat USA is your best bet.

Ground Stabilization for Construction

Ground Stabilization for Construction

Construction is an industry with an incredible number of considerations. On the one hand, it’s a grand opportunity to build something from the ground up. Completing such a task is one of the most rewarding moments of any career, both inside and out of the business.

On the other hand, without the proper preparation and safety measures, a job site can be rife with safety hazards. So many moving, heavy, and potentially dangerous parts, makes for a risk any time all i’s aren’t dotted and t’s crossed. Chief on this list should be ground stabilization for construction efforts; that’s where RunMat USA comes in.

Stable Foundations Are A Must

Having stable ground on a construction site is more than a notion. Think of all the heavy lifting and important parts that need to be moved on a site. Now imagine moving them through a field of uneven ground. The possible injuries, accidents, and equipment damage simply aren’t worth the risk.

Many sites elect to use concrete as their flooring. But over time, this can become worn, and at a certain point uneven, giving way to concerns listed above. Even in the beginning, subjecting such heavy lifting to such rigid flooring can be a recipe for disaster too.

RunMat For Ground Stabilization

This is where RunMat’s value shines. Our special product trades the hard, unforgiving material for a more agreeable, and environmentally friendly option. And, given its High Density Polyethylene Resin make up, it’s much more durable and long lasting than its nearest competitors.

Are you looking for quality ground stabilization for construction based efforts? You’ve come to the right place. Be sure to check out our main navigation for a list of all of the industries we service. For a quote, head on over to our contact page to schedule a consultation today.

Quality Flooring for Outdoor Events

Quality Flooring for Outdoor Events

The scare of COVID-19 painted a very different picture of the outdoors than what we see today. Of course, we’re not out of the woods yet. But recent developments look to be a complete 180 in terms of outdoor restrictions. Think back to the height of the pandemic in 2020.

Supply rations, empty highways, canceled concerts, and more almost seem to be a thing of the past. Now, as the world begins to open back up, typical events are coming back into focus. And regardless of the setting, it’s an absolute must to have quality flooring for outdoor events.

Raise The Roof (And Reinforce The Floor)

As more outdoor events begin to materialize, it’s good to keep things like safety as a top priority. The last thing anyone wants is a hazard at what is supposed to be a fun outing. But we’ve all heard those stories of the floor caving in at an overpacked event.

While capacity concerns are certainly a factor, there’s also the matter of good, stable flooring. Think of a concert, where countless people are shuffling back and forth at different intensities. Add in a few alcoholic drinks, and the need for quality ground stabilization becomes apparent. You’ll need something that can uphold heavy weight that’s also constantly in motion.

RunMat USA

That’s where RunMat comes in. We’re a full service ground stabilization property that produces the best the business has to offer for your floors. And the best part is that we don’t only serve the outdoor event industry.

Have more questions for us regarding ground stabilization? We’re happy to help however we can. Simply schedule a consultation with us to determine the best next steps for your needs. You can find our contact info here. We look forward to hearing from you!

What Is High Density Polyethylene?

To understand what RunMat is made of, it’s going to take a quick science lesson. The first key is to know that not all plastic materials have the same integrity. In this case, our product includes a thermoplastic polymer. It’s characterized by how easy it is to manipulate their structure when heated. This allows you to shape and mold as needed. It will hold its shape once back at a normal temperature.

Once settled, there are several different uses they are good for. In this case, it’s used to craft our RunMat tiles. The specific polymer is called high density polyethylene, or HDPE for short. It’s found in a number of daily use items.

The Proof Is In The Plastic

There are several different plastic categories. There’s Polyethylene Terephthalate, and Polypropylene. Then there are the more readily recognizable ones, like PVC, or Polystyrene. The latter is what makes up styrofoam. Then there’s Low-Density Polyethylene, along with a host of other various subcategories.

HDPE is extremely robust in its makeup. When it’s heated, molding it is simple. But once it dries, that will be its remaining shape. That is, until it’s recycled and the process starts all over. It can have color, or remain translucent; it’s up to the manufacturer. Generally products that expire quicker will have a clearer option.

Where Can I Find HDPE?

HDPE is all around! It’s a common addition to your average drink containers. You can also find most quality plumbing and wood alternatives. It’s often used for its strength, which pairs well with its solidity.

HDPE is used to house some of the most popular household items. Soaps, and other chemicals won’t damage the integrity of an HDPE based container. From food, to chemicals, and so much more, HDPE is a dependable option.

It’s Truly Everywhere

HDPE crosses the boundaries of so many different arenas. Take a grocery store for instance. HDPE makes up some of the best conveniences the locale has to offer. Your grocery wagon? HDPE dependent. The sacks that you place your items in when loading your vehicle? The same!

When HDPE is reused, it can be found in a number of varying consumer items. From outdoor appliances, to wood alternatives, and so much more! Even the waste containers reserved for recycling are often made of the material. It’s rare that you won’t find HDPE somewhere around.

Environmental Awareness

HDPE is a great tool for the environmentally conscious. Its components break down without having an adverse impact on the atmosphere. Its effectiveness will carry the user through any initiative. And it’s easily identifiable in most areas! Every product that uses it generally has some notation referencing its presence.

RunMat is a premium ground stabilization solution that’s made up of HDPE. That means that it offers unmatched, effective solutions regardless of the occasion. Does your next event need affordable, stable ground? Schedule a consultation with us today! We’d be happy to tell you more about how RunMat USA can help!

What Causes Unstable Ground?

When dealing with unstable ground, time is of the essence when it comes to fixing it. Wait too long, and the damage will simply compound. This will give way to future problems that may be more expensive to fix. Or even worse, they may become irreversible.

Materials like asphalt often succumb to repeated use. The key is knowing exactly what’s wrong when addressing the issue. Using the incorrect approach can be almost as bad as inaction. You can always avoid the problem altogether by choosing RunMat USA. But for those curious about what causes unstable ground and how to fix, read on!

Cracks In The Foundation

It doesn’t take long for the blemishes to appear on used asphalt. It can come from one of two places. The first is constant traffic leaving its imprint. The other is its reaction to mother nature. Different kinds of cracks can signify different deficiencies.

Some cracks develop as a result of lack of reinforcement. Likewise, they can occur if the foundation as a whole was laid improperly. They’ll also occur when the existing flooring shifts. As stated, many of these are natural occurrences, and don’t need any interference to occur.

Fading Away Over Time

The constant use and exposure to elements can cause the material to fracture and erode over time. This determines a lot about how a mixture was made. The more deterioration, the less quality the mix was. This can lead to some major inconveniences for its traffic.

Take a roadway for example. Some of these depressions can be seen everyday. Running over one of these in a vehicle can lead to damages and high repair expenses. And this doesn’t just affect your pockets. In the wrong scenario, this can be dangerous to the driver. It’s important to fix these immediately to avoid these issues.

Moisture On The Ground

When it comes to transportation, the weather can have a pretty large impact on asphalt. It tends to store moisture. After a rainy day, this can lead to an overflow of water top side. Again, this becomes a serious safety hazard for vehicles.

Asphalt can also lose its traction over time. This is a result of too much asphalt in a road. This is another example of a potential hazard when using asphalt. The material can be effective, but it faces a number of factors that stand to damage its integrity.

RunMat USA

When using RunMat, each of the limitations described here are eliminated. We’ve developed a superior product. One that isn’t susceptible to as many setbacks and limitations as other options. We’ve invested a lot of care and effort into RunMat. Our team has developed the most efficient, cost-effective matting.

Have any more questions? Feel free to reach out to us through our contact page. If you’re in need of reasonable, but high quality ground improvement, we can help. Check out our homepage for a breakdown of what goes into making RunMat. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ground Stabilization Solutions

Stable ground is a necessity in virtually every situation. Regardless of where you are, dependable ground supports several things. From your footing, to transportation, to festivities, and more. These considerations not only add to aesthetic, but they also maintain safety protocols. There are many different ground stabilization solutions. Each has their own set of pros and cons.

Below, we’ll take a look at some of the popular choices for quality matting. We’ll weigh the options, and see which is the most effective and why. Of course, we recommend RunMat USA. Our quality ground improvements are cost-effective and provide top notch service. Let’s see how its leading alternatives stack up. 


Concrete has historically been a favored choice for countless flooring efforts. It’s gotten the job done for years. But, one of the main drawbacks to the material is its strength. It’s not long after being laid that it begins to wither and crack. This can be damaging for appearances, and depending on the setting, dangerous.

Also, the process of curing concrete for use is time-consuming. It can take upwards of a month before being ready. As you’ll see, there are effective alternatives that don’t take as long to produce.


It’s not rare to see gravel used as a concrete alternative. First, it’s environmentally-conscious. The material is accessible, and often gets the job done. Like RunMat, this option isn’t costly as some of its counterparts. Installation times are also much quicker. But, that’s not to say it’s not without its cons.

Gravel has the misfortune of being susceptible to the elements. Storms, high winds, or other natural events can misplace the rocks. This can lead to having to replace it quite often. It can also bring down appearances. The more it interacts with the environment, the more likely it is to become mucky.


This is another material that’s more cost-friendly than others that made the list. It’s also quite popular, being used frequently among many different industries. It takes a a close eye when producing, though. A bad mixture can shave a lot of time off of its lifespan.

Even a good mixture still has a short lifespan compared to its counterparts. Also, anyone interested in a good appearance may have to make some concessions. Even before cracking, it has more of a jaggy look. You expect to perform maintenance every few years at the very least.


Sand is another matting option some use. This has far more limitations than its counterparts, though. It’s not as effective in as many different places as the previous entries. Sand also requires support from other matting options for optimal performance. It can also be a poor choice for certain areas, i.e., driveways.

RunMat USA

At RunMat, we offer top of the line ground stabilization solutions. Our product is durable, easy to use, and will serve as a solid foundation for most efforts. If you have any more questions, feel free to schedule a consultation with us today!